Adding the Sensor
Ensure that the THREAD is turned on and that the bubbler is connected to the Thread via one of the Thread Device ports.
1. Navigate to the Connectivity Module.
2. Press the button directly on a THREAD to add a Device to it. If your THREAD does not appear here, you may still need to Add Your THREAD as a Connection.
3. You may also add a device from the button in the Devices & Sensors Section.
4. Begin by typing in "levelvue" and select the name once it autocompletes in the search box.
5. Type in the Connect Code of the THREAD that the Device will be connected to. It will already be pre-filled if the button on the THREAD was used in step 2.
6. Select the THREAD communication port that the device is plugged into, Device 1, 2, or 3.
7. Click the Next button in order to save settings.
Edit Configuration
The next page you will be directed to allows the user to edit certain settings and sensor information.
8. The user can change the sampling interval for the sensor with options between 60 seconds-60 minutes.
9. The user can change the sensor's name which will become the sensor name displayed across the application.
10. The user can input the sensor's location and elevation. This location information will allow the sensor to be displayed within the Spatial mapping feature.
11. Notes can be added here.
12. After changes have been made on this page, click the apply button to save the Sensor Configuration changes. After saving, all of the bubble sensors will now be displayed in the "Devices & Sensor" window on the Connectivity page.
Configuring the Sensors
Additional configuration of sensors can be applied to each sensor by clicking on each sensor. The temperature, voltage, and tank pressure sensors can be configured to change the sampling interval. To do so, click on the sensor in the connectivity page, navigate to the "Edit Configuration" tab, select the desired sampling interval from the dropdown. You can also change the sensor name, add the sensor serial number, location, and notes. Click to save your selections and changes.
Line Pressure Configuration
Additional configuration is required for the "Line Pressure" sensor.
1. Click on the sensor in the connectivity page and navigate to the "Edit Configuration" tab.
2. Zero Values- Clicking on the icon will open the "Configure Zero Reference" window, as illustrated below. The sensor can be configured using the R0 and S0 values found on the calibration record provided with the sensor. The "Zero from date" can also be used to configure the sensor using recorded data closest to the date input. Clicking will save your changes and take you back to the main configuration page.
3. Barometric Reference Sensor- Click the button below the "Barometric Reference Sensor" to open the sensor selection window. Click the "drop-down" to select the Diagnostic Pressure sensor to use for the calibration of the sensor being configured. Selecting will save your changes and take you back to the main configuration page.
4. Reference Date- The reference date will specify the first date used when calculating delta metrics indicated with the ∆. Specify the Reference date to use ∆ Delta calculations.
5. Collar Elevation- The ground elevation at the well collar.
6. Sensor Depth- The depth of the sensor relative to the collar elevation.
7. Weir Type- A dropdown that allows the user to select from the configured weir geometries.
8. Additional Configurations- Based on the weir type selected, additional configuration inputs are required to correctly calibrate the sensor to ensure accurate data readings. Inputs vary by weir type.
9. Click to save these configuration changes.
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