This article will explain the high-level architecture of the Sensor Integration Builder (SIB).
High-Level Diagram
SIB Definitions
SIB definitions are created using the sensemetrics web-application. The sensemetrics web-application provides a powerful builder that makes it easy to develop and test SIB definitions. An alternative way to create SIB definitions is to use the sensemetrics REST API to upload YAML files, since SDE definitions are completely represented by a single YAML file.
SIB Engine
The SIB engine exists on a sensemetrics Thread and is used to communicate with a device on one of its ports according to the logic defined in the SIB definition. The SIB engine provides the key functionality behind the SIB Integration API and is responsible for all low-level interactions and communication with the devices and sensors.
Everything that can be done through the sensemetrics web-application user-interface can also be done through the sensemetrics APIs. APIs are available in the cloud and at the edge (on the Thread) to allow for orchestration of the complete lifecycle of an integration from creation, execution, to deletion.
All communication is done over TLS v1.2 using a RSA 2048-bit keypair and SHA signature hash.
SIB definitions, upon any change, are immediately pushed to any sensemetrics Thread that has an instance of the SIB definition. The typical workflow involves making changes on the sensemetrics web-application and then clicking Save, and immediately having the changes be reflected at the edge (on the sensemetrics Thread).
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