Status Alerts allow the user to define a timeframe limit for any sensor that is reporting live. That will trigger an alarm if the sensor extrapolates that timeframe without a report. See below what each configuration offers for Status Alerts.
1 - Name the alert.
2 - Select the sensors to compose the alert. Multiple different sensors might have metrics in common.
3 - Alert Type can be Data (which will show different options) or Status.
4 - Trigger Duration defines the interval the selected sensors can work without a report. Once the limit is reached, all the selected sensors will be checked for a report within the defined time window and, if any of them have not reported, the alert will be triggered.
5 - Priority can be Critical, High, Moderate or Low.
6 - Trigger Frequency can be set as:
6.1 - Trigger Once - Alert will be triggered when any of the sensors meet a threshold and will not trigger for any other sensor again until it is acknowledged.
6.2 - Trigger Per Sensor - Alert will be triggered for each sensor if any of the selected ones meet a threshold.
6.3 - Continuous Trigger - Alert will be triggered every time that any sensor meets a threshold.
7 - Automatic actions that can be taken when the alert is triggered.
7.1 - Allow changing Threads in Low Power to Always On.
7.2 - Changes any number of sensors to their minimum sampling interval.
7.3 - Triggers relay devices that could be connected to sirens, for example.
7.4 - Select a report profile to be generated and sent by email.
8 - Automatically acknowledges the alert when the sensor that triggered it gets back within the threshold limits.
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