The Topcon AGM-1 GNSS Receiver is a direct plug and play device integrated for the Thread. The receiver can be plugged into the Thread and all setup and sensor control can be completed within the Sensemetrics app. This article will guide the user in the setup process and the configuration options within Sensemetrics. The system requires at least two receivers, one control receiver and any number of measurement receivers.
This article will cover the follow topics:
Connecting the Device
After the AGM receiver has been wired with a Thread digital connect cable, ensure that the THREAD is turned on and that the AGM is connected to the Thread via one of the Thread Device ports. Make note of this port number for configuration later.
1. Navigate to the Connectivity Module.
2. Press the button directly on a THREAD to add a Device to it. If your THREAD does not appear here, you may still need to Add Your THREAD as a Connection.
3. You may also add a device from the button in the Devices & Sensors Section.
4. Begin by typing in "Topcon" or "AGM", and select the name Topcon AGM1 once it autocompletes in the search box.
5. Type in the Connect Code of the THREAD that the Device is connected to. It will already be pre-filled if the button on the THREAD was used in step 2.
6. Select the THREAD communication port that the device is plugged into, Device Port 1, 2, or 3.
7. Click the Next button in order to save settings.
Device Edit Configuration
Once the Device connection process above is complete, the user will be navigated directly to the "Edit Configuration" page. The configuration of the GNSS receivers can be completed as they are added, or all receivers can be added to the project and then control receivers assigned. To determine which option is best for your setup, please read the Note section of the Control Toggle bullet below.
1. Control Toggle- This toggle sets the receiver network control point (base station or reference station) receiver for the project. The control receiver is used to refine the position of the remaining receivers on the project.
Once toggled on, if the Control Location latitude, longitude, and elevation are not already input, the data will be read from the AGM and auto-populated into the fields. The Control Location can be manually input at any point if desired, overwriting control location data from the sensor (Note: The control location auto-population will only occur once when Control is initially toggled on, and only if Control Location has not already been input).
Note: The Control receivers configuration inputs 2-6 will be applied to all other AGM receivers on the project once toggled on. To save time with configuration, all receivers can be added to the project first and then the Control receiver selected.
2. Sampling Interval- The sampling interval will dictate how often the GNSS receiver is read by the Thread. The sampling interval, start time, and start time timezone configurations work in conjunction to allow the user to control when GNSS data will be posted.
3. Start Time- The start time dictates the starting point when data will be collected. The sampling interval, start time, and start time timezone configurations work in conjunction to allow the user to control when GNSS data will be posted.
4. Start Time Timezone- The start time timezone dropdown adjusts the previously input start time to a different timezone.
5. Grid Name- The Grid Name selection dropdown allows the user to select the cartesian coordinate system for the receiver data correction.
Note: UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) is a global coordinate system that is commonly used. Many countries, and some U.S. states, also have their own localized coordinate system. Some commonly used U.S. coordinate systems include SPC 27 and SPC 83 (State Plane Coordinate) systems.
6. Datum Name- The Datum Name selection dropdown allows the user to define the geodetic datum projection that will be used within the Sensemetrics app for displayed location data.
Note: A commonly used global datum system is WGS 84, while NAD 27 and NAD 83 are both commonly used within the United States.
7. Reset Stream- The Reset button can be used to cancel the current stream of data being collected from the AGM receiver, and restart the data stream. This tool can be used if the receiver is stuck not providing data or if there may be issues with the data.
8. Factory Reset- Sends reset command to the receiver, clearing the NVRAM and rebooting the receiver. All receiver parameters will be set to their default values (original in-box settings). Almanacs, ephemerides, etc., will be erased. This operation will not delete any raw data files stored in the receiver’s memory..
9. Device Name- The user can change the Device's name which will become the Device name displayed across the application.
10. Location- Location data will be populated from Topcon data.
11 Notes- Notes can be added here.
12. Apply- Apply will save all changed configurations for the Device.
Data Stream Information
This section will discuss some behaviors that the AGM receivers will display after being connected.
Control Receiver- After a receiver has been set as a control point for the project, it will no longer create any sensor data even if it is still functioning properly.
Data Stream- Once connected, the epoch sensor will begin collecting data first. The Diagnostic sensor and Topcon coordinate sensors will post data in accordance with the set device sampling interval.
Data Files in Documents Module- After a receiver has been added, a new window will become activated in the Documents module. Within that window, a folder will be created for each receiver added to the project. Once the coordinate sensor begins populating with data, files will begin being generated in the receiver folder, illustrated below. Two GNSS data files will be generated, one in manufacturer-specific binary format (TPS), and ASCII-based RINEX file which can be used for data retention or processing within a third party software.
Sensor Information
This section will provide a review of the sensors and metrics available within Sensemetrics for the receivers.
Epoch Counter Sensor- This sensor provides the epoch time recorded between the GPS satellite and receiver.
Diagnostic Sensor- This sensor houses information regarding the strength and precision of the receiver/satellite connection and the coordinate solution. The "Covariance Matrix" metrics are the measure of the strength of correlation between the selected variables, providing the user with insight about the accuracy of measurements. The "Dilution of Precision" metrics provide information regarding the error in positional fix of the AGM receiver caused by the geometry of the satellites being used. The "Satellites" metrics provide a count of satellites used in measurement, subdivided into individual metrics for each satellite constellation. The "Number of Epochs" metric counts the number of epoch times registered between satellite and receiver over the sampling interval.
The "Type Solution" metric allows the user to see which equation was used to solve for X,Y,Z coordinates. The number displayed in the graph module corresponds to a solution, with a reference chart provided below.
Number | Solution |
1 | No Solution |
2 | Standalone |
3 | Code Diff |
4 | Phase Diff Float |
5 |
Phase Diff Fixed |
6 | Swing Fixed |
7 | Standalone HP |
8 | Code Diff HP |
9 | Phase Diff Float HP |
10 | Phase Diff Float mmgps |
11 | Phase Diff Fixed mmgps |
12 | User Input |
13 | PPP Convergence |
14 | PPP Float |
15 | PPP Fixed |
This information can also be found on the "Edit Configuration" page of the Diagnostic Sensor.
Topcon Coordinate Sensor- The Topcon Coordinate sensor provides the user with a number of position and movement-related metric options.
Some of these metrics can be altered within the "Edit Configuration" page of the Coordinate Sensor.
Reference Location- By setting a Reference Location, the user tells the platform what will be the base location (location zero) for delta calculations in terms of Easting, Northing, and Height.
Reference Date- A reference date will become available when a sensor uses delta calculations. The reference date will specify the first date used when calculating the amount of change within a certain time frame.
Structure Azimuth- The structure azimuth field will allow you to orient the Transverse/Longitudinal Axis in any desired direction. It is useful for finding movement in the direction of a specific structure or any point of reference.
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