Connecting a DGSI In-Place Inclinometer will require three steps of configuration:
Step 1: Configure the M Logger as a Device
Step 2: Configure the M Logger to your specific IPI setup
Step 3: Configure the Sensor settings to establish the IPI's Orientation
Device Configuration
Step 1: Configure the M Logger as a Device
Step 2: Select the button within the M Logger configuration to open the following IPI setup guide.
The Number of IPI sensors that are linked together. Adjusting this number will adjust how many segment rows appear
Sets the unit of measurement used when configuring the offsets
Far: Set to Far mode if you wish to have the bottom of the bore hole at (0,0). This will configure the bottom segment to remain fixed. Use when expected movement is at the top of the Bore hole.
Near: Use Near mode to set the Top of the Bore hole at (0,0). This will set the top sensor to be a fixed point. Use when expected movement is at the bottom of the Bore hole
Enter the Serial numbers of each IPI segment as they were installed. Segment 1 will represent the top Segment.
Entering the Serial Number of the Tiltmeter will automatically apply the manufacturers calibration factors that are necessary to transform the raw analog sensor values to engineering units (angular tilt).
Once serial number is entered, you will gain access to Tilt X/Y calculations.
The offset to each sensor is the distance to the next set of wheels. For segment one, this is the offset from the top of the borehole to the fist set of wheels.
Sensor Configuration
To start processing advanced IPI Calculations, such as Northing/Easting and Transverse/Longitudinal, the sensor orientation will need to be configured. Navigate to the sensor configuration page and select one of the IPI segments to modify the settings. Settings applied to one segment will apply to the entire IPI string.
Configure -> Sensors -> IPI Segment
Serial number will be automatically applied from the Device configuration. If not, enter the Serial Number to apply factory calibrations.
Once serial number is entered, you will gain access to Tilt X/Y calculations
The reference date will specify the first date used when calculating delta metrics indicated with the ∆
Specify the Reference date to use ∆ Delta calculations
SENSOR AZIMUTH - Northing/Easting
The IPI does not inherently know North/East. In order for North/East to be correctly represented, you will need to specify the sensor azimuth. This is done by measuring the angle from North to the Reference indicator in a clockwise direction.
Reference Indicator - The Y Axis represents the sensors Reference Indicator (Shown below)
Specify the Sensor Azimuth to use Northing/Easting calculations
This field will allow you to orient the Transverse/Longitudinal Axis in any desired direction. It is useful for finding movement in the direction of a specific structure or any point of reference. See the Structure Azimuth Section on instructions on how to properly set it up.
Specify the Structure Azimuth to use Transverse/Longitudinal calculations
Enter the Height of the structure from the base to top of the structure. This will use trig calculations with the Tilt X/Y angles to create a X/Y Vector at the top of the structure.
Specify the Structure Height to use X/Y calculations and allow vectors in Map View.
Sensor Orientation
Configuring the orientation of the IPI will require the knowledge of how the IPI was physically installed. The following will describe physical features on the IPI to reference by.
When the IPI is installed correctly, the + sign on the IPI will be on the same side as the Fixed wheel
X / Y
The X/Y Axis will always be fixed relative to the sensor as seen below. Use the Fixed and Sprung wheels as a guide.
The IPI's Y Axis will represent the sensors Indicator direction. The Indicator is used to define the Northing/Easting orientation in Sensor Azimuth.
Note: Tilt the top of the sensor in the Y+ direction will result in a positive Tilt Y measurement.
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