API's are a powerful tool that allow developers to fetch site info and data directly from VDV.
Create API access token
Go to Setup > API.
Click + button in the top right corner to create a new API token.
- Select the License to use with the API.
- Choose a Name, Localization and enter an Description (optimal)
- Select the Project and then Sites that the API should have access to.
When saved, a window containing the Token will appear.
Using the API access token
Link to the api documentation: http://apidocs.vistadatavision.com/
The token is used as a basic Authorization Bearer token.
The URL to the API is: <localVdvUrl>/api.php/v1/<requestName>
Example get sites request for the VDV system https://demo.vdvcloud.com/vdv.php/ would be: https://demo.vdvcloud.com/api.php/v1/sites
Note, the maximum requests made per minute is 200.
Example using Postman
/GET request: https://demo.vdvcloud.com/api.php/v1/sites
Header: Authorization: Bearer <Token>
Returns the id's and names of all available sites for the Access token.
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