Here is your overview of sensemetrics features and enhancements for 2021.
Release Date 12/9/21 (8.7.22)
- Created API to move Documents between folders in Documents Module
- Migrated Senix to SIB
- Integrated Campbell Scientific Bubbler
- Integrated YSI Turbidity Sensor
- Integrated Parshall Flume weir type
- Integrated Vaisala AQT530
- Added passive/active mode for 4-20 mA sensors
- Created wake duration feature for Geonets
- Addressed bug where medial axis was not plotting for SAAs
Release Date 11/11/21 (8.6.9)
- Edited warning message when ETNA2 or Field Camera are deleted
- Added entity sort by type, status, and last activity to Mobile App
- Added a note field to Alerts in Alerts Module
- Added ability to trigger a camera photo off an Alert in Alerts Module
- Added ability to turn on heater on Vaisala weather station
- Integrated pendulum sensor
- Adjusted Data Tables to default sort from most recent data to oldest
- Changed “Public” sharing option to say “Project-wide”
Release Date 11/3/21 (8.5.2)
- Addressed bug where an Admin user could downgrade a Super Admin
- Moved 4-20mA integration to SIB
Release Date 10/28/21 (8.4.28)
- Added bulk selection for user login conversion
- Fixed cylical adjust function in SAA
- Integrated Vaisala tipping bucket
- Addressed project management issue where users could not be added to a project
- Addressed bug where a Viewer rights user was able to delete an Event
- Addressed bug where graphing multiple SAA segments changes acceleration value
- Addressed bug where deleting a sensor did not delete the Events tied to it
- Updated metrics on Schlumberger VFD sensor
Release Date 10/14/2021 (8.3.32)
- New Generate a report as an alert trigger action
- New Enterprise log in with single sign-on
- New Multi-Factor Authentication for Microsoft Azure
- New meters per hour unit for Volumetric Flow metric
- New Ultrasonic Distance sensor integration
- New Water Elevation metric for senix toughsonic
- New ShapeArray anti-rotation/rotation adjustment
- Adjusted milliamprangeconfig control for 4-20mA sensor
- Addressed intermittent issue where user with Creator project role cannot quick graph or edit profile sharing
- sensemetric staff can now adjust account email address
- Temporal filtering for graph profiles persists into reports
- Updated integration for 4-20 mA sensor to improve reporting reliability
Release Date 09/30/2021 (8.2.21)
- New Strand Firmware Over the Air Updates
- Reactivated ShapeArray error notifications for Creators and Editors on a project
- Combined ShapeArray notifications if multiple segments have reading errors on the same observation
- Close Modals upon navigation (E.G. Sensor Selection Modal)
- Converted Websocket 'Help' API to JSON format
- Limit Sign in attempts to increase security
- Updated user profiles to include Enterprise users
- Improved scroll functionality to address users not loading in manage users lists
- Modify reference sensor path to always extract NodeID
- Updated Thread Summary card and Sensor Summary card to show matching Thread Network Role
Release Date 09/16/2021 (8.1.86)
- New Aqua Troll 500 metric - calculate total suspended solids from turbidity
- Updated SAA convergence methodology
- RST Extensometer cumulative distance metric adheres to index/group
- Import DAT file for SAA and extension segments
- Return the correct username for alert "acknowledged by"
- Removed the "update password" option for Enterprise users
- Adjusted event mode time picker to show entire input box
- Combined SAA notification emails if trigger occurs during the same observation
- Changed expand icon to maximize the screen instead of entering full screen mode
- Delete a custom power schedule
- Auto delete uploaded Documents if an ETNA or Camera is deleted
- Adjusted SAA retry logic to improve reliability in low power mode or if multiple SAA are connected to the same Thread
Release Date 09/02/2021 (8.1.68)
- New Logarithmic Y-axis feature in graphs module
- Graph total acceleration for multiple ShapeArray segments
- Plot new ShapeArray segments for a specific timestamp in XY Plots
- Added retry logic for Geokon Tiltbeam if it fails to retrieve observations
- Altered user call in organization tab of account settings
- Deleting a device will immediately clear device port on Thread
- Adjusted asynchronous loading methodology to account for chunk failed error
- Established rate limit for account password reset
- Updated JS when navigating to Thread via breadcrumb
- Added 'acknowledged by' in alert trigger details and reports
- Deleting a user does not delete the assets they added to a project
- Adjusted naming convention for sensors when first added to a project
- System will remove camera devices from reports if the camera device is deleted from the project
Release Date 08/19/2021 (8.1.35)
- New RST Inline Extensometer integration
- New field camera section in reports module to dynamically display most recent photo
- New ShapeArray convergence mode
- Ability to mute ShapeArray segments
- Display multiple graphs on one page of a report
- Daisy chained RST IPI and Tilt Meters will report observations
- Improved loading time for users in organization tab of account settings
- Created a re-send new user invite button
- CSV preview in documents module
- Use arrow keys to change document selection in documents module
- Added pending user option for Enterprise sign-in users
- Updated support links in report emails
Release Date 08/05/2021 (8.0.289)
- New Seafloor HydroLite-TM integration
- Updated Support link urls to new domain,
- Added toggle to opt out of ShapeArray notifications on device edit configuration page
- ShapeArray notifications are only sent to Editors and Creators
- Fetch new calibrations for ShapeArray extensions
- Added ability to mute segments on ShapeArray
- Updated Delta watch integration to resume posting observations
- Updated toast error message when making a sensor revision
- Removed ability to create an 'event' for a date that has not happened
- Improved alert trigger flashing indicator reliability
- Added a catch all menu in the documents tab
- Option to remove cover page and table of contents from reports
- Majority of report sections can be viewed and downloaded in landscape mode
Release Date 07/29/2021 (8.0.252)
Addressed intermittent email send failure
Release Date 07/22/2021 (8.0.237)
- Populate associated pressure sensor for Loadsensing device
- Added Bulk Select functionality in Account Settings > Organization > Manage Users
- Added rolling interval calculation parameter for Vaisala cumulative precipitation metric
- Moved Vaisala cumulative precipitation metric from 'other' to 'environmental' in graphing module
- Updated Zendesk help widget to direct to new domain (
- Added ability to upload data for multiple sensors in Data Import tool
- Expanded report collections list sizing in documents module
- Delete a project currently selected in project switcher
- Adjusted pricing calculator to represent current pricing standards
- Updated ipiArrayConfig control
- Improved GWT caching so no longer need to refresh page after adding an entity
- If owner of a report opts out of notification, the scheduled report will still send
- Added compatibility between mobile app and Android adaptive icons
- Improved 'my documents' load time
- Removed backlog of system generated profiles to improve quick graph functionality
- Created GNSS collection in documents module
Release Date 07/08/2021 (8.0.201)
- New events feature in graphs, reports, and sensor card
- New Y-axis data filtering in graphs
- New Schlumberger VFD integration
- Patched X3 pressure readings
- Updated restricted sharing type ahead
- Delete a reference date once set
- Removed ability to click outside of modals
- Migrated Identity as a Service platform
- Add a Geokon 8002 logger and multiplexer to an endpoint Thread
- Updated algorithm for effective stress metric when zoomed in on a specific time set
- Created new error messaging when adding a Thread, Strand, or Geonet
- Migrated ShapeArray to SIB
- Recognize erroneous readings from ShapeArray and send notification to users on the project
- New ShapeArray total acceleration metric
- Identify unresponsive ShapeArray segments and send data for responsive segments
- Fullscreen functionality for surveillance library card
- Added project name to alert and report emails
- Added functionality to click on document row to select or open preview flyout menu
- Geonet Mems tilt sensor no longer populates an extra tilt sensor
- Moved Trend Line feature to its own mode and added an icon in graphs module
- Added report profile link to reports collection in documents
- Updated warning when deleting report profile
- Improved data import upload speeds
Release Date 06/10/2021 (8.0.111)
- New alert trigger frequency feature - trigger once, trigger per sensor, and trigger continuously
- New bulk select feature - bulk action within the documents module
- New Reports collection feature - send reports to a collection in the documents module
- New Etna 2 Collection feature in the documents module
- New PDF preview in documents module
- Updated restrictions on API Keys to improve security
- Upgraded Ngx-Bootstrap
- Removed occasional phantom tooltip
- Addressed intermittent inability to scroll in a dropdown
- Added functionality to delete an organization
- Removed Connect Code case sensitivity when adding a Strand to a project
- Created handling/guards when attempting to add a Geokon Geonet, Leica Geosystems GNSS Spider, Leica Geosystems GeoMos, Topcon Delta Watch, or Worldsensing Loadsensing G6 Gateway node that is already on a project
- Removed user ownership tags for Worldsernsing Loadsensing G6 Gateway nodes, which caused observations to not be recorded
- Improved paginated list and list component consistency in documents module, organization manage users, project lists, and project manage users
- Aligned the alert snooze icon
- Fixed error where only user that 'uploaded' a document could delete the document
- Improved work flow so if user navigates away with a modal open, the modal closes
- Updated Revision Management System to support Project Management
Release Date 05/27/2021 (8.0.77)
- New lock profile feature - temporarily adjust profiles without saving the changes
- New Field Camera Collection and sorting function in Document Module
- Improved Geomos Spider observation consistency
- Improved paginated lists and list components in Documents, Projects, and Manage Users
- Revamped power scheduler to improve usability
- New power schedule default schedules
- Added new support article links in Workspace
- Updated SENSRNET integration
- Updated Revision Management System compatibility with projects
- Pending user's name saved upon signup
- Switch notification subscription, eliminating polling of websocket calls
- Removed Weir depth from Geokon Weir V-notch algorithm
- Display user project role in Project tab
- Display user organization role in profile settings
- Show Strand Wireless Signal in summary card
- Added weir control and volumetric flow metric for Aquatroll 500
- Tracking new diagnostic properties for Threads
- Adjust UX for module licenses
Release Date 05/24/2021 (8.0.51)
- Added a new Worldsensing Loadsensing G6 gateway or transfer a Loadsensing node within Project Management
- Added a new Instantel Thor or transfer an existing Thor within Project Management
- Updated field camera compatibility with Project Management
Release Date 05/14/2021 (8.0.25)
- Project Management release
- Adjusted manual inclinometer sensor spacing when sensor depth starts at zero
- Updated SAA handling of invalid timestamped observations
- Converted Geokon 4660 VW to SIB
- Thread X3's output 12V to power total stations
- Separated Smartmux Voltage and Temperature diagnostics sensors
- Improved reporting for grouped observation preprocessor
- Sensor cards display first available metrics when there is no defined default metric
- After entering lat/long for Location sensors, associated sensors auto-adjust to correct location
Release Date 05/04/2021 (7.25.39)
- Adjustment to V-notch volumetric flow algorithm for Geokon Weir and Senix Toughsonic
- Updated firmware for Thread X2 to prevent locked up state and the need to hard reset
- Geomos projects are now split into individual connections
Release Date 04/15/2021 (7.25.38)
- Updated SAA integration to improve observation consistency in low power mode
- Graph data for Load Cells for extended time frames >20 months
- Adjusted method for Weir unit conversion
Improved API framework to ease project management migration
Changed photo download format to .JPEG when downloading from camera surveillance library
UI improvements for profile icons
Adjusted duplicated error message for no available connection
Added a prompt to update SmartMux to recent firmware to improve functionality
Release Date 04/01/2021 (7.25.33)
- Remove a single sensor from a split channel on Geosense Smartmux
- Download a document in the Asset Document tab
- Multiple adjustments to account for latency in Workspace at the top of the hour
- Updated Senix ToughSonic V-notch Weir Flow Rate minimum output algorithm
- New user permission requirements for the category tab in the Integration Module
- Added backend infrastructure to adjust Geonet MEMS temperature value
- Adjusted Thread behavior when disconnected from cloud
- Increased WT command frequency on R2T
Release Date 03/18/2021 (7.25.16)
- Issue resolved that limited select Geokon LC2’s from taking observations.
- Generic Piezometer Algorithm updated to remove temperature linear calibration if user omits value.
- Field Cameras
- Increased the reliability of successfully taking a photo under extreme conditions
- Camera will now only power up when taking a photo
- Thread and Strand Connect Codes added to the Thread/Strand Summary Card
- Thread sensor cards will display a warning if there is no available data
- Device Port Power graphed or displayed in tables with either V or A metric units.
- Added additional Vodafone remote access SMS commands for troubleshooting and customer support.
- Thread firmware is displayed in the Thread edit configuration page
SmartMux Integration with Thread
- Using the Geosense SmartMux, each Thread port can read up to 256 sensors. Not only can each channel be configured to read Vibrating Wire, mA, mV or 4-20mA, but you can also accommodate two wire sensors in a single channel by using our new channel split feature.
X3 Thread Release -
- Now shipping new Thread X3 model
- The Battery Diagnostic Sensor now observes Battery Charge Percentage, Battery Charge Count, and Battery Health metrics.
- Additional Device Port
- Remote factory reset capability
- Battery Fuel Gauge
Release Date 3/4/21 (7.24.7)
- Added Thread connect code to summary card
- Migrated Geokon LC2 to SIB
Release Date 2/25/21 (7.23.12)
- Added Auto acknowledge to Alerts Module
- Added new control to Geokon Weir Monitor sensors
- Integrated Generic VW Piezometer
Release Date 2/18/21 (7.22.25)
- Addressed bug where alerts weren’t triggering for SAA
Release Date 2/4/21 (7.22.7)
Added ability to split channels in multiplexer configuration control
Addressed Geomos issue where sensors would not get created in large sensor sets
Integrated Shape Array XYZ type
Addressed bug where certain outlier metrics weren’t being graphed in Data Module
Release Date 1/21/21 (7.19.30)
- Added ability to show content of Notes in Graph revision tooltips
- Addressed bug where non-Thread assets appeard with a red icon
- Addressed bug where connections would show red icon after a delete and re-add
Release Date 1/7/21 (7.19.11)
- Addressed bug where sensor icons don’t match device status
- Integrated RuggedTroll 200
- Autoset Ackcio Mux to have default sensor
- Addressed bug where Load Cell alert triggers with no threshold being crossed
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