Here is your overview of Sensemetrics features and enhancements for 2023.
Release Date 12/07/2023 (8.21.46)
- Addressed issue where Prisms did not move along with Total station in spatial module
- Addressed issue where Volumetric flow rate was incorrectly correlated to Pressure in Aquatroll
- Addressed issue where Extensometer data was not generating consistently in reports module
- Migrated projects are no longer accessible in Sensemetrics
Release Date 11/18/2023 (8.21.19)
- Addressed issue where users were not receiving warning for inadequate password for account setup
- Added support for additional file format in Trimble FTP
- Added ability to input negative values for Upload observation modal
- Integration of Geokon 8960 4-channel and 8-channel data loggers
Release Date 10/14/2023 (8.20.9)
- Addressed issue where creation of revision leads to error state
- Integration of Omnidot device
- Integration of sisgeo V3 sensors through Worldsensing LS-G6-DIG2 datalogger
Release Date 10/02/2023 (8.16.74)
- Addressed issue where FTP folders were not populating in dropdown
- Integration of Campbell Snow Water Equivalent CS 725 device
- Added usage based billing for projects
Release Date 9/14/2023 (8.16.55)
- Adjusted behavior where bulk selecting demo sensors did not obey sampling rate change
- Addressed issue where Shape Array X/Y graphs did not populate on certain reports
- Addressed issue where setting link in Emails linked to obsolete pages
- Addressed issue where Geokon IPI did not pull in data with newest Snoopy version
Release Date 08/31/2023 (8.16.40)
- Added sensemetrics supported vibrating wire devices to MUX control on Viotel Device
- Default sampling rate for Demo sensors now set to 1 hour
- Worldsensing Thread Support now added to Cross-org sharing by default
- Added multipupose millivolt (mV) sensor to MUX style controls
Release Date 08/03/2023 (8.16.6)
- Adjusted algorithm for Senix ToughSonic calculation for volumetric flow rate. Calculation now obeys Weir depth input.
- Reduced sample rate of MOVE devices from 60 seconds to 5 minutes to better sustain server stability.
- Addressed issue where certain X/Y plot data was noticeably downsampled.
- Addressed issue where certain cumulative metric alerts did not trigger when threshold was breached.
- Dam Track Pro template now plots Elevation (ft) metric compared to Height (ft) previously.
- Fixed UI issue where triggered status alert did not show necessary UI components to allow user to disable or acknowledge alert.
- Fixed issue where status alerts with multiple sensors and "trigger per sensor" enabled did not register sensors as triggered if another sensor was already triggered.
- Worldsensing CMT Edge portal with MQTT was successfully deployed.
- Released File Generator Utility for exporting data.
Release Date 06/27/2023 (8.14.15)
- Provided toggle in Load Cell device settings to not display calculated force readings for any sensors if any of the strain gauges are missing readings.
- Adjusted behavior where cumulative calculation metrics were impacted by down sampling of data in graphs.
- Adjusted behavior where graph would fit to only collected data when time frames were set. New behavior will show entirety of time-frame, even if no data is present for part of selected time-frame.
- Senix Distance sensor calculated metric volumetric flow rate for weirs will now show "0" value instead of null value in graphs and table to distinguish between value below weir flow threshold vs. no readings from sensor.
- Thread diagnostics tab and all related functionalities are available to admin level users. Users can remotely reboot Threads, update firmware, and view Thread logs.
- Addressed issue where SAAs with large numbers of segments and long history of data would fail to load on graphs and tables in the Data Module.
- Addressed issue where sometimes SAA with large number of segments and long history of data would fail to export data from Data Module.
- Addressed issue where Ackcio Connection could not populate sensor data if SAAs were connected.
- Integration of SAA through Worldsensing Connection in sensemetrics.
- Integration of Piconode through Worldsensing Connection in sensemetrics.
Release Date 06/08/2023 (8.13.14)
- Integration of MOVE solution single channel node and all 8 of the sensors supported
- Adjusted MUX control to accommodate MOVE solutions single channel logger
- Addressed issue where alerts would sometimes not respond to acknowledgement or disablement
Release Date 05/16/2023 (8.12.321)
- Introduced ability to switch between "power saving" and "always on" modes for the Badger Meter M series.
- Graph section in reports will now obey timeframe setup, trailing dates with no data will still appear on graph.
- Introduced new latency optimization solutions for platform.
- Ackcio Node Vibrating Wire sensors now have additional configuration options to support calculated metrics.
Release Date 04/14/2023 (8.12.300)
- Graphs and reports with 2 sets of Y-axis data now more accurately reflect Y-axis limits.
- Statistics value card now displays data range in accordance to the dashboard time range picker.
- Adjusted issue where certain CSV exports lost formatting when missing data points.
- Adjusted behavior where reports without owners would not be sent via scheduled reports function.
- Added support for Geokon Triaxial MEMS Tilt products.
Release Date 03/27/2023 (8.12.266)
- Increased server resources to address latency issues, alerts are set up to detect future occurrences, allowing quicker dispatch.
- Investigated and documented issue with certain clients not being able to receive report and alert Emails.
- Implemented feature for bulk update of node/device/sensor locations. Feature only supports Threads and associated diagnostic sensors currently. Future update will cover other node/device/sensor location configurations where applicable.
- Implemented feature to allow toggle on/off of connecting lines in graph module, allowing time series plots to be displayed with only data points.
Release Date 03/16/2023 (8.12.237)
- Addressed issue where observations were not uploading for some FDD MOVE devices
- Addressed issue where certain GeoMos connections exhibited unstable behavior and cleared observations on occasion
- Added feature to allow 2 X/Y plots to appear on a single page in reports. This feature is available for both Portrait and Horizontal page modes within the report.
- Added milliGforce as a unit for all acceleration metrics
Release Date 03/01/2023 (8.12.212)
- User logout frequency updated from 24 hours to 30 days on both Web app and Mobile app
- Reports with pdf attachment exceeding 25mb will now include link to direct to corresponding reports folder in documents (note: option to upload to documents will be automatically applied)
- Provided additional option to discount tokens in Super admin panel UI
- Updated X/Y graph behavior so that horizontal array arrangement will always show graph in positive direction
- Adjusted behavior for "Dam Tracker Pro" template to always show Height (ft) and ΔTransverse metrics(ft)
Release Date 02/17/2023 (8.12.198)
- New feature release on Sensemetrics Mobile App, offline manual observation upload. Users are now able to enter and Queue observations for pre-selected sensors offline, and upload them when internet is available again.
Release Date 02/02/2023 (8.12.176)
- Addressed issue where Geokon 8960 Interface device was not populating calculated metrics for the Weir Monitor Sensor.
- Updated Configuration interface for the Geokon 8960 Interface device.
- Added default modbus address of "1" when adding new Aquatroll-500 devices to daisy chains.
Release Date 01/12/2023 (8.12.159)
- Integration of Viotel sensors (Accelerometer, Tilt Meter, Vibrating Wire) via API.
- Addressed issue where Strand QR code was not bringing in correct Device connect code.
- Corrected behavior where creating MOVE device results in error state.
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