The Series 380 BTU meter is an all-in-one energy usage package for monitoring hydronic heating or cooling systems. This meter accurately measures flow and temperature differential to compute energy. This article will
Wiring the 380 BTU Flowmeter
The user will first need to wire the Connect Cable to the Flow Meter.
- Unscrew 6 flat head screws from the lid of the flowmeter.
- Follow picture below for cable to flowmeter pinout wiring on the POWER and RS485 portions of the board.
Configure Flowmeter on BadgerMeter software
Download and install on a windows machine, 380 Commissioner from the Badger website. https://www.badgermeter.com/software/#. Connect mini USB cord and open software. Once the software is open, follow the configuration overviews below for "Comm Parameters" and "Std Parameters".
Comm Parameters
- Change Network type to Modbus.
- Change BitRate to 9600.
- Change Modbus Mode to ASCII.
- Hit send to send the configuration to the sensor.
Std Parameters
- Navigate to the Std Parameters tab.
- Change the temperature Sensor metric to "C".
- Hit send to send the temperature configuration to the sensor.
- If the calculated flow needs to be reset, insert PIN 0017 into the blank at the bottom of the page and click the "Zero Totals" button.
Adding the Device
Ensure that the THREAD is turned on and that the flow meter is connected to the Thread via one of the Thread Device ports.
1. Navigate to the Connectivity Module.
2. Press the button directly on a THREAD to add a Device to it. If your THREAD does not appear here, you may still need to Add Your THREAD as a Connection.
3. You may also add a device from the button in the Devices & Sensors Section.
4. Begin by typing in "Badger Meter 380" and selecting "Badger Meter 380 Series" once it autocompletes in the search box.
5. Type in the Connect Code of the THREAD that the Device is connected to. It will already be pre-filled if the button on the THREAD was used in step 2.
6. Select the THREAD communication port that the device is plugged into, Device 1, 2, or 3.
7. Click the Next button in order to save settings. The front display on the device should power up and LEDs should be visibly lit on the motherboard. Navigate to the Main Menu > Communication > Port B Settings of the M-2000 Flow Meter.
Once in the Port B settings page, confirm the following parameters:
- Port address = 001
- Baud Rate = 9600
- Data bits = 8
- Parity = Even
- Stop Bits = 1
After completing these steps, navigate to the connectivity page and delete the flow meter device. Re-complete steps 1-7 to re-install the device. You can then move on to Edit configuration steps below. Note: If this step is not completed, the device may not report readings on the application.
Edit Configuration
The next page you will be directed to allows the user to edit certain settings and sensor information.
8. Device Name- The user can change the sensor's name which will become the sensor name displayed across the application.
9. Device Location- The user can input the sensor's location and elevation. This location information will allow the sensor to be displayed within the Spatial mapping feature.
10. Notes- Notes can be added here.
11. After changes have been made on this page, click the apply button to save the Sensor Configuration changes. After saving, the Sensor will now be displayed in the "Devices & Sensor" window on the Connectivity page.
Configuring the Sensors
After setting up the Device in the steps above, three diagnostic sensors will be populated below the Badger Meter device in "Devices & Sensors". Many of the same configurations as above can be edited for each diagnostic sensor. Clicking on each sensor within "Devices & Sensors" will allow the user to view sensor details and additional configurations.
Below is an example of the configurable fields for each of the diagnostic sensors.
1. Sensor Name- The user can change the device's name which will become the device name displayed across the application.
2. Serial Number- Input the serial number of the Badger Meter.
3. Sampling Interval- The sampling interval for these sensors is configured via a slider bar, and can be adjusted between 60 seconds and 60 minutes.
4. Sensor Location- The user can input the sensor's location and elevation. This location information will allow the sensor to be displayed within the Spatial mapping feature.
5. Notes- Notes can be added here.
6. Click to save these configuration changes.
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